Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ok, so we are at home now, arrived the morning of the 24th (Christmas Eve). But let me back up a couple of days because I have alot to blog about. We went on a dinner boat ride. It was nice. The people had a feeding frenzy before we could even get our plates. It was buffet style, and they were eating off their plates while going around the buffet line. Jerry and I only ate, fried rice and noodles. They have really good watermelon and oranges over there. Very tasty. So, after the boat ride and we are walking up the street going back to our bus, their is a man, standing on the sidewalk with a small monkey, yes a monkey with a rope around its neck like a dog. We get on the bus and Jerry ask me if I saw the monkey, and I said no, then he showed it to me, and I said, Oooh, get me a picture of it. Bad Idea!!!! Well being the good husband that he is, he takes the camera and proceeds out the bus door and takes a pic of the monkey for me. Only the man sees him and tries to follow him onto the bus with this monkey to make him pay for taking the picture. Our bus driver is pushing the monkey man back out the door, and closing the door in his face. Well, you would think it is over, it is not! The monkey man follows Jerry down the bus looking in the windows and is beating on the window saying pay me for the picture. By that time, we are all rolling on the bus because this man won't leave us alone. So, we give him some paper money that is useless, which is actually half a yuan, it equals to about a nickel in our money, but he seemed happy, he left. Maybe he can buy the monkey some peanuts or something. It was quite exciting at the time, but poor Jerry didn't think so.
Alright, this trip was quite the adventure for Jerry. We were in the lobby of the hotel at Guanzhou, the last place we were at. This was Monday morning I think, we were waiting on the elevator, our room was on the 15th floor-1525. So, this chinese guy, young, approached Jerry and had a red and black backpack on his shoulders and his cell phone was open and he had it held up to about armpit high, and ask Jerry if he like chinese girl! Can you believe it. He just propositioned my Jerry for a prostitute!!!! Well, what did I do, I fell out laughing. You have to know my Jerry. Shy, very shy, won' t talk to anybody. I laughed all morning about that one. So as the day goes by, we are wondering thru the hotel and the same guy approaches Jerry again, and does the same thing. I said, well baby, they must think that you are a lonely westerner here by yourself with no place to go. HEE, HEE! The next day he went to return the stroller that we had borrowed from one of the little stores and a woman approached him and said, "Hey, you want massage, for long time?". He came back and told me that and I fell on the bed laughing so hard. You should have seen the look on his face. It was one of utter disbelief, like how dare she ask me that. It was so funny to me.

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