Saturday, December 27, 2008

So, its time to leave China. We get everything packed. We head to the U.S. Consulates office, that is the last thing that we have to do, to make Anrea officially ours. Take our oath. It is a 40 minute ride from the hotel, since it has moved off the island. But, with the traffic the way it is, it takes us almost an hour to get there. We finally arrive. Us and I think 40 other families with their babies. He talks to us for a few minutes, tell us to raise our right hand, and ask us, "If we promise to take care and love our babies as our own?", we answer, "We will", and it is over. We then head to the airport for a 9pm flight for home. Oh boy!!!! 12 and half hours of flying time. Can't wait with a baby. Fortunately, she was so tired, from not get a nap, that after we took off, about two hours into the plane ride, she went to sleep, and slept until about two hours before we landed. So, you really couldn't ask for anything better than that. Now, we are in L.A. Here we have 6 hour layover. Fun, fun, fun....... She walks around with her squeeker shoes on and keeps everyone entertained, until it is nap time. Then she is screaming, finally she falls asleep on daddy, and sleeps for about an hour. We landed in L.A. at 5:30 pm and don't leave for Atlanta until 12:30 am. Bummer. But it goes by pretty well. Time to load the plane. We are in the 36 row. All the way in the back of the plane. She screams all the way to Atlanta. Jerry and I took turns sitting in the floor back where the stewardesess are just to keep her from bothering the other passengers. We get to Atlanta at 7:30 am, remember all the time zone changes, take a train inside the airport, pretty cool, to our next terminal, and we have 15 minutes until boarding. Jerry goes to Wendys and gets us some gravy and biscuits and I am feeding her some grits. Oh, by the way, did I mention she loves grits! We get about 3 bites of the breakfast and she eats her grits and some of the gravy and biscuits, and they are boarding the plane for home. Well, that was fast. We jumped on that plane fast, no way were we going to miss getting home. So here we goooo..........

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